香港 六年青春 终于毕业了
下月初 第一份工 IFA (Independent Financial Advisers or IFAs are professionals who offer independent advice on financial matters to their clients and recommend suitable financial products from the whole of the market.Individuals and businesses consult IFAs on many matters including investment, retirement planning, insurance, protection and mortgages (or other loans). IFAs also advise on some tax and legal matters.)
李嘉诚旗下的一个投资顾问公司 半年时间完成500万的销售额转正 目标一年1500万
希望能让父母骄傲 让自己满意
我是一个小屌丝 一直走在逆袭的道路上 keep walking 永不停歇
立此存照 与君共勉